Install Prometheus in Workload Clusters Deployed by a Supervisor

This topic explains how to deploy Prometheus to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) workload clusters deployed to vSphere by a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor.

Prometheus is a system and service monitoring system. Prometheus collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and triggers alerts if conditions are met. Alertmanager handles alerts generated by Prometheus and routes them to their receiving endpoints.

You can install Prometheus on a workload cluster in two ways:

Install Prometheus Using the Tanzu CLI


Adhere to the following prerequisites.


Refer to the following topic as needed.

Install Prometheus with Alertmanager

Complete these steps to install the Prometheus package.

  1. Create the namespace.

    kubectl create ns tanzu-system-monitoring
  2. Get the latest Prometheus package version for your repository.

    kubectl -n tkg-system get packages

    For example, the latest version is 2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1 which is what we will install.                              2.27.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   49m9s                              2.27.0+vmware.2-tkg.1   49m9s                              2.36.2+vmware.1-tkg.1   49m9s                              2.37.0+vmware.1-tkg.1   49m9s                              2.37.0+vmware.2-tkg.1   49m9s                              2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1   49m9s
  3. Create the prometheus-data-values.yaml file using either of the following methods:

    1. Copy the example provided. See Prometheus with Alertmanager Components, Configuration, Data Values.
    2. Or, generate the file prometheus-default-values.yaml using the following command:

      tanzu package available get --default-values-file-output prometheus-data-values.yaml
  4. Edit the prometheus-data-values.yaml file and configure the following values. These values are required to access the Prometheus dashboard.

    Parameter Description
    ingress.tlsCertificate.tls.crt A self-signed TLS cert is generated for ingress. Optionally you can override and provide your own.
    ingress.tlsCertificate.tls.key A self-signed TLS private key is generated for ingress. Optionally you can override and provide your own.
    ingress.enabled Set the value to true (default is false).
    ingress.virtual_host_fqdn Set the value to prometheus.<your.domain> (default is prometheus.system.tanzu).
    alertmanager.pvc.storageClassName Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy.
    prometheus.pvc.storageClassName Enter the name of the vSphere storage policy.

    See Prometheus with Alertmanager Components, Configuration, Data Values for a full list of all available configuration parameters.

  5. Install the Prometheus package.

    tanzu package install prometheus -p -v 2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1 --values-file prometheus-data-values.yaml -n tanzu-system-monitoring
  6. Verify Prometheus installation using the Tanzu CLI.

    tanzu package installed list -n tanzu-system-monitoring
    NAME        PACKAGE-NAME                 PACKAGE-VERSION        STATUS
    prometheus  2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1  Reconcile succeeded
    tanzu package installed get prometheus -n tanzu-system-monitoring
    NAME:                    prometheus
    PACKAGE-VERSION:         2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1
    STATUS:                  Reconcile succeeded
  7. Verify Prometheus installation using Kubectl.

    kubectl -n tanzu-system-monitoring get all
    kubectl -n tanzu-system-monitoring get pvc
    NAME                STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    alertmanager        Bound    pvc-a53f7091-9823-4b70-a9b4-c3d7a1e27a4b   2Gi        RWO            k8s-policy     2m30s
    prometheus-server   Bound    pvc-41745d1d-9401-41d7-b44d-ba430ecc5cda   20Gi       RWO            k8s-policy     2m30s

Troubleshoot Prometheus Installation

If the tanzu package install prometheus operation returns the error “Failed to get final advertise address: No private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided,” apply a package overlay to reconfigure the alertmanager component.

  1. Create the file overlay-alertmanager.yaml.

    #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
    #@overlay/match by=overlay.and_op(overlay.subset({"kind": "Deployment"}), overlay.subset({"metadata": {"name": "alertmanager"}}))
            #@overlay/match by="name",expects="0+"
            - name: alertmanager
                - --cluster.listen-address=
  2. Use Kubectl to create a secret from the file overlay-alertmanager.yaml.

    kubectl create secret generic alertmanager-overlay -n tkg-system -o yaml --dry-run=client --from-file=overlay-alertmanager.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
  3. Use Kubectl to annotate the Prometheus package with the overlay secret.

    kubectl annotate PackageInstall prometheus -n tkg-system
  4. Run the installation command again.

    tanzu package install prometheus -p -v 2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1 --values-file prometheus-data-values.yaml -n tanzu-system-monitoring

Access the Prometheus Dashboard

Once Prometheus is installed, complete the following steps to access the Prometheus dashboard.

  1. Ensure that the ingress section of the prometheus-data-values.yaml file is populated with all required fields.

      enabled: true
      virtual_host_fqdn: "prometheus.system.tanzu"
      prometheus_prefix: "/"
      alertmanager_prefix: "/alertmanager/"
      prometheusServicePort: 80
      alertmanagerServicePort: 80
      #! [Optional] The certificate for the ingress if you want to use your own TLS certificate.
      #! We will issue the certificate by cert-manager when it's empty.
        #! [Required] the certificate
        #! [Required] the private key
        #! [Optional] the CA certificate
  2. Get the public (external) IP address of the Contour with Envoy load balancer.

    See Install Contour Using the Tanzu CLI.

  3. Create a DNS record that maps the Prometheus FQDN you used (default is prometheus.system.tanzu) to the IP address of the Envoy load balancer.

  4. Access the Prometheus dashboard by navigating to the Prometheus FQDN using a browser.

Install Prometheus Using Kubectl

Prometheus is a system and service monitoring system. Install the Prometheus package to monitor and collect metrics for TKG clusters on Supervisor.


Adhere to the following prerequisites before you install the Prometheus package.


Refer to the following topic as needed.

Install Prometheus

Install the Prometheus package using Kubectl.

  1. List the available Prometheus package versions in the repository.

    kubectl get packages -n tkg-system

    The most current version is

  2. Create the Prometheus namespace.

    kubectl create ns prometheus-monitoring
  3. Create prometheus-data-values.yaml.

    Start by copying the contents from prometheus-data-values.yaml. Update values accordingly. See Prometheus with Alertmanager Components, Configuration, Data Values.

  4. Create the secret named prometheus-data-values using the prometheus-data-values.yaml file as input.

    Note: Because prometheus-data-values is large, it is less error prone to create the secret separately rather than try to include it in the Prometheus specification.

    kubectl create secret generic prometheus-data-values --from-file=values.yaml=prometheus-data-values.yaml -n tkg-system
    secret/prometheus-data-values created
  5. Verify the secret.

    kubectl get secrets -A
    kubectl describe secret prometheus-data-values -n tkg-system
  6. Customize the prometheus-data-values as needed for your environment.

    Refer to Prometheus with Alertmanager Components, Configuration, Data Values.

    If you update the data values, update the secret with the following command.

    kubectl create secret generic prometheus-data-values --from-file=values.yaml=prometheus-data-values.yaml -n tkg-system -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f-
    secret/prometheus-data-values replaced
  7. Create the prometheus.yaml specification.

    The spec references the prometheus-data-values secret.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: prometheus-sa
      namespace: tkg-system
    # temp
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: prometheus-role-binding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: prometheus-sa
        namespace: tkg-system
    kind: PackageInstall
      name: prometheus
      namespace: tkg-system
      serviceAccountName: prometheus-sa
          constraints: 2.37.0+vmware.3-tkg.1
      - secretRef:
          name: prometheus-data-values
  8. Install the Prometheus package.

    kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml
    serviceaccount/prometheus-sa created created created
  9. Verify Prometheus installation.

    kubectl get all -n prometheus-monitoring
     kubectl get all -n prometheus-monitoring
    NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/alertmanager-757ffd8c6c-97kqd                    1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-67b965c5d8-8mf4k   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-4spk9                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-6k2rh                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-7z9s8                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-9d6ss                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-csbwc                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-node-exporter-qdb72                   1/1     Running   0          87s
    pod/prometheus-pushgateway-dff459565-wfrz5           1/1     Running   0          86s
    pod/prometheus-server-56c68567f-bjcn5                2/2     Running   0          87s
    NAME                                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
    service/alertmanager                    ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP          88s
    service/prometheus-kube-state-metrics   ClusterIP   None             <none>        80/TCP,81/TCP   88s
    service/prometheus-node-exporter        ClusterIP   <none>        9100/TCP        88s
    service/prometheus-pushgateway          ClusterIP    <none>        9091/TCP        88s
    service/prometheus-server               ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP          87s
    NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
    daemonset.apps/prometheus-node-exporter   6         6         6       6            6           <none>          88s
    NAME                                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/alertmanager                    1/1     1            1           88s
    deployment.apps/prometheus-kube-state-metrics   1/1     1            1           88s
    deployment.apps/prometheus-pushgateway          1/1     1            1           87s
    deployment.apps/prometheus-server               1/1     1            1           88s
    NAME                                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/alertmanager-757ffd8c6c                    1         1         1       88s
    replicaset.apps/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-67b965c5d8   1         1         1       88s
    replicaset.apps/prometheus-pushgateway-dff459565           1         1         1       87s
    replicaset.apps/prometheus-server-56c68567f                1         1         1       88s
    kubectl get pvc -n prometheus-monitoring
    NAME                STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS             AGE
    alertmanager        Bound    pvc-5781956b-abc4-4646-b54c-a3eda1bf140c   2Gi        RWO            vsphere-default-policy   53m
    prometheus-server   Bound    pvc-9d45d7cb-6754-40a6-a4b6-f47cf6c949a9   20Gi       RWO            vsphere-default-policy   53m
  10. Launch the Prometheus web interface.

    kubectl get httpproxy -n prometheus-monitoring
    NAME                   FQDN                      TLS SECRET       STATUS   STATUS DESCRIPTION
    prometheus-httpproxy   prometheus.system.tanzu   prometheus-tls   valid    Valid  HTTPProxy

    The FQDN should be available at the public IP address for the Envoy service. See Install Contour Using Kubectl.

Access the Prometheus Dashboard

Once Prometheus is installed, complete the following steps to access the Prometheus dashboard.

  1. Ensure that the ingress section of the prometheus-data-values.yaml file is populated with all required fields.

      enabled: true
      virtual_host_fqdn: "prometheus.system.tanzu"
      prometheus_prefix: "/"
      alertmanager_prefix: "/alertmanager/"
      prometheusServicePort: 80
      alertmanagerServicePort: 80
      #! [Optional] The certificate for the ingress if you want to use your own TLS certificate.
      #! We will issue the certificate by cert-manager when it's empty.
        #! [Required] the certificate
        #! [Required] the private key
        #! [Optional] the CA certificate
  2. Get the public (external) IP address of the Contour with Envoy load balancer.

    See Install Contour Using Kubectl.

  3. Create a DNS record that maps the Prometheus FQDN you used (default is prometheus.system.tanzu) to the IP address of the Envoy load balancer.

  4. Access the Prometheus dashboard by navigating to the Prometheus FQDN using a browser.
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