You can perform different types of certificate replacement depending on your company policy and requirements for the system that you are configuring. You can perform certificate replacement from the vSphere Client, by using the vSphere Certificate Manager utility, or manually by using the CLIs included with your installation.

The VMware Certificate Authority (VMCA) is included in each vCenter Server deployment. VMCA provisions each node, each vCenter Server solution user, and each ESXi host with a certificate that is signed by VMCA as the certificate authority.

You can replace the default certificates. For vCenter Server components, you can use a set of command-line tools included in your installation. You have several options.

Note: If your vCenter Server is linked to NSX-T manager, and you replace vCenter Server certificates, you must update the thumbprint of the vCenter Server compute manager. See the topic titled "Add a Compute Manager" in NSX-T Data Center Migration Coordinator Guide.

Replacing Certificates with VMCA-Signed Certificates

If your VMCA certificate expires or you want to replace it for other reasons, you can use the certificate management CLIs to perform that process. By default, the VMCA root certificate expires after 10 years, and all certificates that VMCA signs expire when the root certificate expires, that is, after a maximum of 10 years.

Figure 1. Certificates Signed by VMCA Are Stored in VECS
In default mode, VMCA provisions with certificates that are signed by VMCA.
You can use the following vSphere Certificate Manager options:
  • Replace Machine SSL Certificate with VMCA Certificate
  • Replace Solution User Certificate with VMCA Certificate

For manual certificate replacement, see Replace Existing VMCA-Signed Certificates with New VMCA-Signed Certificates Using the CLI.

Making VMCA an Intermediate Certificate Authority

You can replace the VMCA root certificate with a certificate that is signed by an enterprise certificate authority (CA), or a third-party CA. VMCA signs the custom root certificate each time it provisions certificates, making VMCA an intermediate CA.
Note: If you perform a fresh install with a vCenter Server, replace the VMCA root certificate before you add ESXi hosts. If you do, VMCA signs the whole chain, and you do not have to generate new certificates.
Figure 2. Certificates Signed by a Third-Party or Enterprise CA Use VMCA as an Intermediate CA
VMCA certificate is included as an intermediary certificate. The root certificate is signed by a third-party CA.
You can use the following vSphere Certificate Manager options:
  • Replace VMCA Root Certificate with Custom Signing Certificate and Replace All Certificates
  • Replace Machine SSL Certificate with VMCA Certificate (multi-node enhanced linked mode deployment)
  • Replace Solution User Certificate with VMCA Certificate (multi-node enhanced linked mode deployment)

For manual certificate replacement, see Make VMCA Into an Intermediate Certificate Authority Using the CLI.

Replacing VMCA-Signed Certificates with Custom Certificates

You can replace the existing VMCA-signed certificates with custom certificates. If you use that approach, you are responsible for all certificate provisioning and monitoring.

Figure 3. External Certificates Are Stored Directly in VECS
External certificates are stored directly in VECS. VMCA is not used.
You can use the following vSphere Certificate Manager options:
  • Replace Machine SSL Certificate with Custom Certificate
  • Replace Solution User Certificates with Custom Certificates

For manual certificate replacement, see Replace Certificates with Custom Certificates Using the CLI.

You can also use the vSphere Client to generate a CSR for a machine SSL certificate (custom), and replace the certificate after the CA returns it. See Generate Certificate Signing Request for Machine SSL Certificate Using the vSphere Client (Custom Certificates).

Using the Hybrid Approach to Certificate Deployment

In the hybrid approach, you can have VMCA supply some of the certificates, but use custom certificates for other parts of your infrastructure. For example, because solution user certificates are used only to authenticate to vCenter Single Sign-On, consider having VMCA provision those certificates. Replace the machine SSL certificates with custom certificates to secure all SSL traffic.

Company policy often does not allow intermediate CAs. For those cases, hybrid deployment is a good solution. It minimizes the number of certificates to replace, and secures all traffic. The hybrid deployment leaves only internal traffic, that is, solution user traffic, to use the default VMCA-signed certificates.

For more information, see the blog post titled New Product Walkthrough - Hybrid vSphere SSL Certificate Replacement at

ESXi Certificate Replacement

For ESXi hosts, you can change certificate provisioning behavior from the vSphere Client. See the vSphere Security documentation for details.

Table 1. ESXi Certificate Replacement Options
Option Description
VMware Certificate Authority mode (default) When you renew certificates from the vSphere Client, VMCA issues the certificates for the hosts. If you changed the VMCA root certificate to include a certificate chain, the host certificates include the full chain.
Custom Certificate Authority mode Allows you to update and use certificates manually that are not signed or issued by VMCA.
Thumbprint mode Can be used to retain 5.5 certificates during refresh. Use this mode only temporarily in debugging situations.