Complete this task to create a VM to Hosts rule for each of the TKG Service cluster worker node VM Groups.

Create two VM to Hosts rules, one that assigns the worker VM Group 1 to site 1 and another that assigns worker VM Group 2 to site 2.



  1. In vCenter Server, select the vSphere Cluster object where Supervisor is enabled.
  2. Select Configure > Configuration > VM/Host Rules > Add.
  3. Configure the first VM to Hosts rule for the worker 1 VM Group.
    1. Name: Enter the name for the VM to Hosts rule, such as: tkgs-workers1-site1-rule
    2. Enable rule: Yes (checked)
    3. Type: Select Virtual Machines to Hosts from the menu
    4. VM Group: Select the workers 1 VM Group, such as tkgs-workers1-VmGroup, and select Should run on hosts in group
    5. Host Group: Select the site 1 Host Group, such as site1-HostGroup
    6. Click OK
  4. Configure the second VM to Hosts rule for the worker 2 VM Group.
    1. Name: Enter a name for the VM to Hosts rule, such as: tkgs-workers1-site1-rule
    2. Enable rule: Yes (checked).
    3. Type: Virtual Machines to Hosts
    4. VM Group: Select the workers 2 VM Group, such as tkgs-workers2-VmGroup, and select Should run on hosts in group
    5. Host Group: Select the site 2 Host Group, such as site2-HostGroup
    6. Click OK